Sometime happen situation when ias service not writes stop information for active connects. IAS Log Viewer shows that connects as “online” and show duration/session time for that connects as very big value.
You may correct that situation and manually generate stop records for this connects.
For doing connect correction you need to:
- Select “online” connect that you planning to finish.
- Execute any command from “connect corrections” menu. You can find “connect corrections” menu by right click on connect or through main menu “Tools”
IAS Log Viewer allow to stop connect with different duration. You may select one of the following commands:
- Stop connect now. That command generates stop record with current date time. In IAS Log Viewer connect shows as finished at this moment.
- Stop connect with zero duration. Generate record with zero duration.
- Stop connect at time That command allow to specify stop date time for connect.
Be patient while using that feature of IAS Log Viewer. By correcting connect you are generate stop record only. You are not really disconnecting user from IAS service. You are correct bad connect in log file only.
Internally, connect corrections commands generate log file with stop records. This log file has name OriginalLogName_fixes.log and placed near original log file. You must have write rights for this folder with log files. By using “Auto load fixes for log files” flag from options dialog you may manage automatically loading of that fixes logs.