Modifying filter condition" dialog allowing create/modify one IAS Log Viewer filter’s condition without syntax details basic knowledge.
Each IAS Log Viewer filter’s condition consists of filed name, operation and data. For example, “User IP = “”. Operations list and data types will be automatically change depending on selected field. String data has ability to use comparison operation by “like” and “not like” templates. Next special symbols can be used in “like” and “not like” operations:
- ‘%’ Zero or more chars. For example, “User Name like ‘%ray%'” filter’s condition filter all connects that has “ray” word like ray, HomeRay, Raymond etc.
- ‘_’ Any one char. For example, “User Name like ‘r_y’” filter’s condition filter users that has names “roy”, “rmy” etc.
- [adgj] Individual chars (inclusion). For example, “User Name like ‘b[ao]m’” filter “bam” and “bom” users.
- [^adgj] Individual chars (exclusion). For example, “User Name like ‘b[^ao]m’” filter all users exclude “bam” and “bom”.
- [a-d] Range (inclusion). For example, “User Name like ‘b[a-b]m’” filter “bam” and “bbm” users.
- [^a-d] Range (exclusion). For example, “User Name like ‘b[^a-b]m’” filter all users exclude “bam” and “bbm”.